Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Holywell Helps Opendoors Unlock Hidden Oxford

Every year, around 9.5 million visitors from all over the world come to Oxford. They come to see the ancient colleges and iconic buildings, to enjoy the museums and theatres, and to immerse themselves in the culture of this unique city. For those of us who are lucky enough to live or work here, it’s easy to take the city for granted, and feel that we know it almost as well as the tour guides who, umbrellas held aloft, chaperone their groups through the busy streets.

But while there is plenty to keep the tourists busy – and a photo opportunity around every corner, some of the most interesting aspects of Oxford are out of bounds to the general public – except that is for two days each year when Oxford Preservation Trust holds the Opendoors weekend. Now in its 6th year, Opendoors aims to give people – especially locals, the opportunity to discover more about their world famous city.  The event was established by Oxford Preservation Trust, an organisation committed to preserving and enhancing the City's historic character. From small beginnings, the event is getting bigger each year, now encompassing some 180 venues and events, and attracting over 60,000 visitors.

This year, Opendoors will be held over the weekend of 14th – 15th September, and it’s a great way to discover a side of the city you would never normally see.  There are dozens of events and venues to select from, and access is free – though you will need to book for some of them. This is your chance to (among other things) go behind the scenes at the Ashmolean Museum and see works of art not normally displayed; to visit the original cells in the old city prison; look around parts of the colleges that are usually out of bounds; take guided tours with experts ̶ and generally have exclusive access to some of the hidden gems of Oxford.

Holywell has been closely involved with the Opendoors project since it first started, producing the free guide which highlights all the venues and events. In line with the success and scale of Opendoors, the guide has gradually evolved from a simple leaflet into a full colour, 40 page booklet that has a print run of 50,000. We’ve worked with the Trust  ̶  a non profit making organisation - to help them keep production costs to a minimum, and the current guide format (185mm x 140mm) is optimised for cost-effectiveness. It’s the same pocket-friendly size as another guide we produce for our customer Artweeks. The format is ideal for visitors to carry with them and use for reference as they enjoy the weekend – and it means we’re able to print it in 32 page sections, providing the most economic solution.

You might think you already know the city well, but don’t miss your opportunity to discover another side to Oxford; go to, www.oxfordopendoors.org.uk for more information on Opendoors ̶  and if you want to produce high quality materials to support your own event, make sure you talk to us first!

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