Thursday, 24 January 2013

First Blog from Holywell Design & Print

Good afternoon everyone.

This is the first blog from Holywell Design & Print. Our aim with this new feature is to engage and inform people about the print industry and what it can offer you.

Print may be considered a dying art but if you take a look around your office you are sure to find plenty of items which are still produced via print. With the world taking on a fast virtual approach it is crucial that the quality of what is produced in print is kept to a high standard.

At Holywell we pride ourselves on the products and services we offer our customers and we want to take this further by getting involved and answering your questions or thought on print or design to see if our expertise can help you move your business forward.

All members of the Holywell team will be getting involved so if you have anything you would like to discuss with us please get in contact.

Good bye for now

Holywell Design & Print